Species are those orchids found in nature which are unique unto themselves. “Botanicals” is a general term referring to species and hybrids not widely used commercially for cut flowers. The following is a general culture chart indicating the ideal growing conditions of many botanicals, however, many will adapt to conditions somewhat outside the ideal.
Light Requirements
B: Bright light requirements (4000-5000 foot candles); indoors in a Southern or Western exposure.
M: Moderate light requirements (1500-4000 foot candles); indoors in a Southern, Western, or Eastern exposure.
S: Semi-shady light (500-1500 foot candles); indoor exposure by varying the distance between the plant and window.
Temperature Preference
W: Indicates a preference for “warm” temperatures: Day temperatures 80-85 F, night temperatures 65-70F.
I: Indicates a preference for “intermediate” temperatures: Day temperatures 70-80F, night temperatures 55-65F.
C: Indicates a preference for “cool” temperatures: Day temperatures 65-70F, night temperatures 50-55F.
1. Keep continually moist below the surface of the media
2. Allow to dry out below the surface between waterings.
Light | Temp. | Water | Light | Temp. | Water | ||
Adaglossum | S | C | 1 | Gomesa (Gom.) | M | I | 2 |
Aeranthes (Aerth.) | B | W | 1 | Goodalcara (Gdlra.) | M | I | 2 |
Aliccara (Alera.) | M | I-C | 2 | Grammangis | M | W | 2 |
Angraeccum (Angem.) | M | W | 1 | Haemaria | S | W | 1 |
Angulocaste (Angest.) | M | I-C | 1 | Helcia | S | I | 2 |
Ansellia (Asilla.) | B | W | 2 | Kagawara (Kgw.) | B | I-W | 1 |
Ascocenda (Aseda.) | B | I-W | 1 | Kingiella (King.) | S | I | 1 |
Ascocentrum (Asetm.) | B | I-W | 1 | Laelia | B | I | 2 |
Ascofinetia (Asef.) | B | I-W | 1 | Lagerara (Lgra.) | M | I-C | 1 |
Aspasia (Asp.) | M | I | 2 | Leprotes (Lpt.) | B | I | 2 |
Aspasium (Aspsm.) | M | I | 2 | Lycaste (Lyc.) | S | I-C | 1 |
Aspoglossum (Aspgm.) | M | I-C | 1 | Maclellanara (Melna.) | M | I-C | 2 |
Batemannia (Btmna.) | M | I | 2 | Masdevallia (Masd.) | S | C | 1 |
Beallara (Bllra.) | M | I | 1 | Maxillaria (Max.) | M | I-C | 1 |
Bifrenaria (Bif.) | M | I | 2 | Milpasta (Mpsa.) | M | I | 1 |
Brapasia (Brap.) | M | I | 2 | Miltonioda (Mtda) | S | C | 1 |
Brassavola (B.) | B | I | 2 | Nakamotoara (Nak.) | B | I-W | 1 |
Brassia (Brs.) | M | I | 2 | Nanodes | M | I | 1 |
Brassoepidendrum (Bepi.) | B | I | 2 | Neofineria (Neof.) | B | I | 1 |
Brassolaelia (Bl.) | B | I | 2 | Odontobrassia (Odbrs.) | S | I | 2 |
Broughtonia (Bro.) | B | I | 2 | Onciderria (Oncrra.) | M | I | 2 |
Carasetum (Ctsm.) | M | I | 1 | Pescoranthes (Psnth.) | S | C | 1 |
Cattleytonia (Ctna.) | B | I | 2 | Renantanda (Rntda.) | B | I-W | 1 |
Christieara (Chtra.) | B | I-W | 1 | Renanthopsis (Rnthps.) | M | I | 1 |
Chysis | M | I | 2 | Rhynchostylis (Rhy.) | B | I-W | 1 |
Coelogyne (Coel.) | M | W | 2 | Rhynchovanda (Rhv.) | B | I | 1 |
Degarmoara (Dgmra.) | M | I-C | 1 | Rodriglossum (Rdgm.) | M | I | 1 |
Dendrobium (Den.) | B | I-W | 2 | Rodriquezia (Rdza.) | M | I | 2 |
Dendrochilum | S | I | 1 | Rossioglossum g | M | I-C | 1 |
Devercuxara (Dvra.) | M | I-W | 1 | Schombocattleya (Smbc.) | B | I | 2 |
Dialaelia (Dial.) | M | I | 2 | Sophronitis (Soph.) | S | C | 1 |
Dorthera (Dtha.) | M | I-W | 1 | Trichocidium (Trcdm.) | M | I | 2 |
Eastonara (Eas.) | B | I-W | 1 | Trichopilea (Trpla.) | M | I | 1 |
Epicattleya Epc.) | B | I | 2 | Vanda (V.) | B | 1 | 1 |
Epidendrum (Ept.) | B | I | 2 | Vandaenopsis (Vdnps.) | M | I-W | 1 |
Epilaelia (Epl.) | B | I | 2 | Vanilla | B | I | 1 |
Forgetara (Fgtra.) | M | I | 2 | Zygopetalum (Z.) | M | I-C | 1 |